Psychic & Clairvoyant Readings

Holistic one-on-one Love Soul Connect Psychic Reading

(60 minutes)

Are you lacking clarity and direction?

Do you feel stuck and wish someone could understand and shed light on what to do next?

Are you just interested to see if you are on the right path and to get some confirmation?

A reading with Kylie is like looking at your life map and seeing where you currently are in relation to where you want to be. The only difference is Kylie can see where you have been, and see where you want to be and where you currently are now. She can also see WHY you are where you are at right now, by seeing which roads you have travelled instead. After having a reading with me you will become clear on where you want to be and what choices will get you there and you will be more aware of the roads that will take you in the wrong direction again. It will enable you to explore health / life purpose / love and give you an overview of these and you will see a few of the highlights, and areas you want to spend more time on.

This reading is a one- hour in depth reading and maybe face-to-face if you are located here in Perth, Australia, or over Skype, or on the phone if you are located elsewhere.

Kylie will use her gift as psychic/ medium/ Angel Intuitive combined with her Intuitive Life Coaching abilities to give YOU a professional reading that provides you with clarity, guidance and insight into LOVE/ LIFE PURPOSE/HEALTH.  She will assist you to identify re-occurring life/ sabotage patterns that may be standing in your way of experiencing true love, health, abundance and happiness in your life. This will enable you to make better more informed choices in alignment with what you truly want in life versus where you are currently headed. You will walk out feeling, clearer, lighter, and with an informed perspective so you can make empowered choices.

Price $120

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Soul Connection (Mediumship) Reading

(40 minutes)

Kylie recognises that some people come to her purely to contact their passed over loved ones, to get their unanswered questions answered, and for the purpose of healing/closure. So she has designed this package for this purpose. In this reading she will Focus completely on using her mediumship ability to connect with your deceased loved ones soul and provide you with confirmation and messages that come through especially for you.

Price $100

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Kylie delivered an engaging, enjoyable and insightful workshop that had the perfect balance of theory / self discovery and fun activities. I found the group environment to be safe and comfortable and it provided the opportunity to share experiences if anyone felt compelled to do so. I feel anyone would benefit from the Balance your feminine / masculine energy workshop, no matter where they are at in terms of their life journey.
Carolyn Bayliss

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